This is an important subject that
I want to talk to you about because there is so much confusion on the subject. Be sure to see another one of Justin Lee's
great videos on this subject following my comments here. You can also watch several brief videos of ex-gay testimonials at
the bottom of this page.
Now, there are two things that you should know:
Homosexuality is an identity, not a behavior.
Abstinence and aversion are behaviors, not identity change.
"Orientation" refers to sexual ATTRACTION - not sexual
LUST. Behavior is something you can control; but you cannot control a natural attraction. Do you like chocolate cake?
You can't control that. It's who you are. Do you dislike chocolate cake? You can't control that. It's who you are. You
didn't choose to like or dislike chocolate cake. And if you think that we cannot compare sexual tastes to food tastes, the
Bible disagree with you by using that very example many times.
A heterosexual orientation means that a person has a
natural un-chosen attraction to, and can enter into a romantic relationship with, members of the opposite gender.
A homosexual orientation means that a person has a
natural un-chosen attraction to, and can enter into a romantic relationship with, members of the same gender.
So, what is the reality that one can change his sexual
orientation? In other words, what are the posibilities that a gay man can STOP being attracted only to males and become ONLY
attracted to females; or that a straight man can STOP being attracted only to females and become ONLY attracted to males?
The church tells us that God would not make us something
that is not good (under their assumption that being gay is not good). So, if Christian parents gave birth to a deaf child,
does that mean that God did not make this child?
Am I implying that homosexuality is a disability? A
birth defect? Not at all. The point is that one cannot say that God would not make a person to be a certain way or thing,
because that comes from a lack of understanding as to how a human is made.
The fact is, that God gives the breath of life when
the sperm meets the egg. From there, nature takes over and determines the initial mental and physical make up of a human -
which can only be altered by an outside influence (say, an operation that enables a lame person to walk, or medication which
repairs a chemical imbalance....or, brainwashing which causes a person to think or behave contrary to their natural functions).
God MADE Adam and Eve from scratch (not from
an egg and sperm), and then put within them the ability to procreate, and therefore every array of existance found in
mankind was created as a result of Adam & Eve's union, whether that be males or females or disabilities
or super abilities or left/right-handedness or hetero/homo-sexualities or nationalities or races or eye shapes or skin tones.
All of these things were in them. The black man and the white man and the yellow man, the straight man and the gay man,
the left handed man and the right handed man, the chocolate cake lover and the chocolate cake hater - these were all in Adam
from the beginnning. And THAT is spoken of TWICE in Scripture.
The church and "ex-gays" claim that it is possible
for gays to change their sexual orientation, saying "God can do anything!"
True homosexuals and "ex-ex-gays" claim that it is
not possible, saying, "God made me gay, so why would He try to change me to straight?"
Look, we all know that there is nothing that God cannot
do. With God ALL things are possible. If He so chooses, He can change you from one race to another, or make an extra
limb grow from your shoulder. He can turn your foot into a hoof. He can make your brown eyes blue. But asking whether
or not God can do something is NOT the issue. The question we should ask is, "WOULD God do it?" Interestingly
enough, when the church claims that God can make a gay person straight, they themselves do not even mean what they are saying
because they believe that being gay is a personal choice - a personal act of will which the homosexual must willfully choose
to abandon. The church simply claims that God would give homosexuals the strength to change THEMSELVES. In fact, God
does NOTHING of the kind, and God has not once demonstrated such an act in all of Scripture.
Simply giving up sex altogether does not constitute
a change in orientation. Orientation exists in every single human whether they have sex or not.
When considering the issue of orientation change and
whether or not it is possible, a heterosexual must ask himself or herself if it is possible for them to cease their
own mental and physical attraction for only the opposite gender AND to become mentally and physically
attracted only to members of the same gender; for this is exactly what the proponents of the "orientation change" doctrine
would imply is possible. If it works one way, it must of necessity work in reverse as well. So, knowing that God can do
anything, we are not asking "Can God Do It?", but rather, "Does God Really Work That Way?"