Since the days when Moses penned the first book of the Bible
people have attributed to the text of the Scriptures something it doesn't say.
When you have something as powerful as the Word of God itself, people tend to play around with it a little, attempting to
squeeze in their point of view in hopes of making their views look like God's views. We've seen this happen throughout history,
to the spiritual and physical death and ruination of untold millions.
The most popular way that people have misused God's Word
is by misquoting it through adding, altering or deleting a letter or word, or by rephrasing a verse. Another way
is by using a modern Bible version whose text was already altered before it reached the bookstores.
Why do people alter God's Word? Because they want God to think
like they do. So instead of people reading the Bible and correcting their way of thinking by it, they chose instead to alter
the Bible to match their way of thinking.
Would you like to make an experiment
and test whether you are reading God's Word as He wrote it, or if you are reading what you want it to say? If so, it's very
simple. There are two statements below. After each statement you will be asked, by multiple choice, to define the statements.
First Statement:
If a man also writes with
his left hand,
as he writes with his right
he has committed abomination.
Which of the following sentences
defines the statement above:
A: It is abomination for a right handed
to also write with his left hand
B: It is abomination to be left handed
After you are confident about your
choice, scroll down to the 2nd statement
Second Statement:
If a man also lie with
as he lieth with a woman,
he has committed abomination
(Leviticus 20:13)
Which of the following sentences
defines the statement above:
A: It is abomination for the man that
lies with a woman
(a heterosexual) to also lie with a man
B: It is abomination to be homosexual
If you
selected "A" for both statements, you are correct!
You may
notice that both statements are identical, with only the subject being changed.
Of course, the first statement is not a real
biblical law; it’s just a sentence that I invented. But it was the only way to
get your mind off of sex for a moment to help you see the ISSUE clearly.
The wording
of the first statement automatically implies that the man in question is right
handed and is being forbidden to also
use his left hand; it says nothing about left handed people.
The wording
of the second statement automatically implies that the man in question is a
heterosexual and is being forbidden to also
lie with men; it says nothing about homosexual people.
This biblical law speaks of a heterosexual abomination.