What happens when we die? Do we cease to exist? Do we go to heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Are we reincarnated? Does our spirit
wander the earth seeking resolution for its life and looking for the "white light"? There are a multitude of questions about
the "after life" and just as many opinionated answers from teachers, preachers, and occult practitioners such as
psychics and mediums. There are myriad books, videos, and confrences on the subject, which people literally flock to in droves.
But a clear answer has been available to us since the beginning of time. Breaking through from heaven as a beam of light to
confound both religious tradition and new age gurus alike, God's Holy Word reveals to us exactly what happens to our
body, to our soul, and to our spirit when we enter that final and mysterious stage of life called "Death". And after seeing
for yourself what the Almighty has openly revealed for all the world to see, you will never again view life and death the
same way. Click the picture to read a free copy of one of Rev. Cunningham's most acclaimed books, "Body, Soul, & Spirit:
A Matter of Life & Death".

Take an exciting journey into the beautiful Koine Greek - the language of the New Testament text, and learn to read the
Word of God in its orginal tongue! Rev. Jim has created a simple learning program designed to get you reading
right way. After learning the basics of this language you'll begin your study of the Greek New Testament text in
an easy format to guide you every step of the way. Each book of the New Testament is laid out in both Koine Greek AND English.
Unlike most language courses which write the text horizonally across the page with the English wods beneath it, this
program is given verse by verse with pronunciations and definitions for every word in a unique vertical format, making
this one of the easiest Greek Bible courses in the world. And it's totally FREE! Your study and understanding of the
Holy Scriptures, as well as your relationship with God, will progress and grow deeper by leaps and bounds.
Rev. Jim will also be producing a similar program to learn the thrilling Hebrew of the Old Testament. You'll be amazed at
just how easy it is to learn Koine Greek and Hebrew - in fact, it's easier to learn than Spanish and French!

THE LEGEND OF THE HAUNTED MANSION is Rev. Jim's very first published non-theological fiction novel - based on Disneyland's
Haunted Mansion attraction. It was also his first attempt at writing a large literary piece. When a young couple escape
a late night thunderstorm by running into an old abandoned mansion, their whole world turns into a nightmare when they
discover that the mansion is far from being uninhabited! Making both good friends and mortal enemies among the ghostly
denizens of this madcap mansion, they must find their way out! Together they learn the value of trust and sacrifice from the
most unlikeliest suspects. Can they get out alive before becoming victims of power hungry Mdm. Leota's maniacal
attempt to conquer the world, or becoming the main course at a high spirited banquet guaranteed to cause enough mayhem
to raise the dead!? Read the text of this silly story free online by clicking on the book's cover at left.