Before I address the possibility of a homosexual
devil, I think we should start with the issue of whether a Christian can be possessed by a devil (or, as many call them, demons,
both of which are the same word, one from the Hebrew and the other from the Greek). Unfortunately, the Scriptures
do not say specifically one way or the other. However, there are at least three incidents that occurred in the
Scriptures that we could examine.
The first is the story of King Saul. He was the
first anointed king of Israel, chosen by God Himself, who greatly loved the Lord. But like all humans (even Christians), he
had weaknesses, and one of those weaknesses was his intense jealousy of David and his fame. And on at least two occasions,
while David played the harp for him, Saul was taken by an 'evil spirit' and attempted to kill David with a javelin spear.
And this was before the anointing was lifted from him by God.
The second is
Matthew 16:23. Jesus had asked His disciples what they think of Him. Peter replied that He is the Messiah the Son of God.
Jesus highly commends him for this and says that the Holy Spirit revealed it to him. We know that, even though Peter fumbled
a number of times, he truly was a Christian through whom the Holy Spirit operated, to the extent that he is the author of
two books of the Bible, and Paul even referred to Peter as "the Apostle to the Jews" as equally as he (Paul) is the Apostle
to the Gentiles. However, just moments after Peter declares his revelation that Jesus is the Messiah the Son of God, he attempts
to dissuade Jesus from going to Jerusalem where He will die. And it is written, "But He turned, and said unto Peter,
Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but
those that be of men."
The third instance
involves Judas Iscariot. Here we see that, not only was he selected by Christ as one of His closest disciples, one of the
12, but we also see that he was sent out with the others to preach the Gospel and to work great miracles in His name.
Nevertheless, Satan "entered into him" to betray Christ. And when Satan left him and he came to his senses, Scripture says
"he repented himself" and went back to the priests to undo what he had done under the control of Satan, acknowledging to them
that he falsely accused an innocent Man. When they refused to take back the 30 pieces of silver and rejected
his plea on Jesus' behalf, he cast away the money and hanged himself in grief for his actions against Christ.
So, can a Christian
be possessed by a devil? Because of these three instances, which are a bit shadowy ("for we look through a glass
darkly"), I cannot give a definite yes or no. I have attended churches in my youth where I've seen Christians being
delivered of devils, but whether it was real, psychosomatic, or staged, I cannot tell.
to whether there is a "homosexual devil", that I cannot say with any certainty either (and neither can anyone else but God).
But this I do know; chapter 1 of Romans gives us a list of great sins committed by mankind - the chief of which was having
the knowledge of God and yet still refusing Him, "declaring themselves wise they became fools". And "for this cause" God gave
them up to their lusts to abandon their heterosexual identity in favor of same-gender sex acts. Whether God "gives them
up" to a "gay demon" or simply to their own lustful self-choice under his own power is not clear (for there is the power
of God and the power of the devil and the power of man).
you can see on this website, I am convinced that heterosexuals and homosexuals are two distinct sexual orientations,
and that this verse is specifically referring to heterosexuals who abandon their heterosexual nature after denouncing God.
An instance where a heterosexual engages in sex acts with the same gender (or where a homosexual engages in sex acts with
the opposite gender), I believe, is a perfect definition of "bisexuality" - which I do not believe to be a true sexual identity
like heterosexuality and homosexuality. When I counsel men and women who come to me with the burden of "bisexuality",
they usually define the word as having a desire for both/either gender. So then, this one question must be asked of them:
the definition of bisexuality is the desire for either gender, then a true bisexual (if there is one) could choose one person
of either gender to marry and live intimately with, WITHOUT also requiring intimacy with the gender they did not marry; a
true bisexual would be content with the gender of the person they married because they claim that the gender is unimportant.
Is this statement true for you?
If that statement
is not true for them (and it never is, by my experience), then that means that they are not truly bisexual (as a sexual
identity) but rather they are experiencing the very human UNNATURAL TEMPTING LUST for one of the two genders. From this
point, if they so wish it, I often assist them with identifying their true sexual identity through prayer and matters psychological,
so that they can seek the Lord for deliverance from the lust that drives them to the gender that is unnatural for them to
mate with, and thus not sin against the Lord.
It is clear that
some heterosexuals can and do engage in homosexual activity - else God would not have mentioned it AND taken responsibility
for it. But this is a completely different thing from a true homosexual. A gay demon? I'm not so sure. Willful disobedience?
That is definite. For we see that God hands them over to fulfill their lusts because of defiant disobedience. I
do not believe a heterosexual can BECOME a homosexual, regardless of the number of sex acts with the same gender, though he
may by much practice become accustomed to it - just as a right handed person never BECOMES left handed no matter
how much he uses his left hand, though he may by much practice become accustomed to it. A heterosexual engaging in homosexual
sex is one who has left his nature through lust, given over to it by God. Any heterosexual may be TEMPTED to homosexual acts,
but they do not give in to it; but it is the heterosexual rebel against God who will be given over to that which is against
their nature – regardless of whether they were ever previously tempted to it or not. Hitler himself, though he killed
homosexuals and did unspeakable things to them, nevertheless is known to have had an extreme fascination with homosexuality.
And he it was who ordered that “God bless you” be replaced with “Heil Hitler”, and the Bible to be
replaced with Mein Kempf. Make sense?
On the other
hand, there are many true Christians, mighty in faith and deeds, who are homosexual. Have they been given up by God? It is
written, "NO ONE cometh unto Me unless the Father draw them," and, "NO ONE cometh unto the Father unless the Spirit draw them."
How then can there be a true and faithful Christian unless called by the Father and the Spirit? And if a person is
homosexual and yet a mighty God-fearing Christian, did not the Father call them to Him? If Romans 1 refers to all homosexuals
(rather than just a deviant heterosexual) as that person so wicked that God gave them over to their lusts, then
all homosexuals are merely perverted heterosexuals that have been rejected of God and cannot know of God or give heed to the
Word of God, but will seek only the will of his father the devil. But, if the Father calls a homosexual, and he answers
and lives mightily in that calling of faith as a homosexual, how then can that Christian homosexual have been rejected of
God? You cannot be rejected of the Father and yet desire the will of the Father; for, the desire for the father's will comes
FROM the Father to those who have believed on the name of His Son.
Yes, there are
many heterosexuals passing themselves off as homosexuals through the lusts of their flesh and rejection of God, and there
are many heterosexuals who bear the burden of temptation of sex with the same gender (and it is these whom the "ex-gay"
counsellors should be helping). But these are not the same as homosexuals, and certainly not the same as Christian
homosexuals who desire the Lord and the Word of Life with all of their heart.
It should be noted that the word
"eunuch", which is often used in Scripture, can refer to a male or a female, and does not always refer to a person whose genitals
have been removed. A eunuch, throughout history, often referred to a homosexual, and is the reason so many kings employed
them to keep the watch and charge of their wives and daughters. There would be no sexual threat to them from a homosexual.
A male eunuch is one who has no desire for sex with a woman regardless of whether the reason is because
he is gay or whether he is a castrated heterosexual or whether he forsakes the flesh to the utter devotion and service of
God. In fact, Jesus Himself refers to THREE different types of eunuchs in the Gospels, saying, "For there are some eunuchs
which were so born from their mother's womb [homosexuals], and there are some eunuchs which were made eunuchs of men
[castrated], and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake [total abstinance/chastity].
He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."
And this blessing is given from
God to ALL eunuchs who believe on His name, as it is written, “Neither let the eunuch say, 'I am a dry tree!" For
thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep My Sabbaths and choose the things that please Me and take hold of My covenant:
Even unto them will I give, in Mine house and within My walls, a place and a name better than of sons and daughters! I will
give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off!"